Yasu JAPANESE School

JLPT 【N2 Grammar】 〜甲斐がある|It’s worth doing~

JLPT N2 grammar 甲斐 worth

「It’s worth doing~」


◉ It’s worth doing~~
◉ The Kanji of 「かい」 is 「甲斐」、In this grammar, it can be translated into “value”, “reward”, “meaning” etc.
◉ So “~かいがある” will be translated into “worthy”.
◉ The opposite “~かいがない” means “no value” and “not worth it”.


Sentence Patterns
Verb(た form)+甲斐がある(ない)
Noun の+甲斐がある(ない)
Point:When the verb ます type is directly connected to “甲斐”, the pronunciation will become voiced “がい”. Example: やりがい:Rewarding


Related Sentences

JLPT N2 grammar 甲斐 worth


Example Sentences
① おいしいぎゅうタンがべれて、仙台せんだい甲斐かいがあった
Oishī gyū tan ga tabe rete, Sendai ni kita kai ga atta.
It was worth coming to Sendai to eat delicious beef tongue.


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