JLPT N1 grammar かたがた katagata
「I do..while..」
◉ while~
◉ at the same time~
◉ for the purpose of~
◉ Means that when doing an action, do another action by the way
◉ This usage is more blunt, and is often used in formal occasions such as weddings, funerals, celebrations or on business.。
Sentence Pattern
◉ Noun+かたがた
Related Sentence Patterns
◉ がてら
◉ ついでに
◉ を兼 ねて
JLPT N1 grammar かたがた katagata
Example Sentences
① 帰省 かたがた、お宅 の方 にご挨拶 にお伺 い致 します。
kisei katagata, otaku ni goaisatsu ni oukagai itashimasu
While I return home town, I will go by your home to visit you。