Yasu JAPANESE School

JLPT【N3 Grammar】 〜に従い/に従って|as..

JLPT N3 grammar にしたがって に従って shitagatte



◉ 「as..」「with..」「in accordance with..」「follow..」「therefore..」
◉ 「従う」means「follow」「obey」。
◉ Both the “ます form” and “て form” of the verb indicate that the following will be connected to the “next action or sentence“.
◉ It means “follow the instructions of a person or marker” or “obey someone’s order“.
◉ “従って” is used when connecting sentences, and it means “therefore“. The first sentence is the cause, and the latter sentence is the result.
◉ The other usage is the same as “につれ/につれて”.
◉ It means “the former has changed for some reason..” and “the result of the latter will also change“.


Sentence Patterns
◉ Verb(dict. form)+〜にしたがい/にしたがって
◉ Noun+〜にしたがい/にしたがって


Relative Sentences
◉ ~にともなって/にともな
◉ ~ととも

JLPT N3 grammar にしたがって に従って shitagatte

Example Sentences
① スタッフの指示しじしたがってまえすすんでください。
Sutaffu no shiji ni shitagatte mae ni susunde kudasai.
Please follow the instructions of the staff.


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