JLPT N3 grammar 一方 ippouda
一方だ(ippou da)
「continue to~」「more and more~」
◉ continue to~
◉ more and more~
◉ It’s getting (worse)〜
◉ Indicates that the situation has moved in one direction without stopping。
◉ Mostly used for negative meaning。
◉ another meaning of 「一方」:on the other hand
Sentence Pattern
◉ Verb (dict. form)+一方だ
Related sentence pattern
◉ Synonymous:〜ばかりだ
JLPT N3 grammar 一方 ippouda
Example Sentences
① お父 さんが病気 で体力 が悪 くなる一方 だ。
Dad’s physical strength is getting worse because of his illness。
② インフレの影響 で、会社 の売上 が減 る一方 です!
Due to inflation, the company’s revenue is getting less and less。
③ 最近 の子供 の学力 が低下 する一方 なのは学校の責任だ!
It’s the school’s responsibility that children’s learning ability has been declining recently
④ コロナで仕事 がなく、貯金 が減 る一方 で生活が苦しいです。
Because of the COVID-19, there is no work, and savings have been declining. Life is so hard。
⑤ 最近 ずっと社長 に怒 られて、ストレスが溜 まる一方 だ。
I have been scolded by the president recently, and have been under a lot of pressure。
⑥ お父 さんの借金 が膨 らむ一方 だ!
Father’s debts are getting increasing