Today we are going to talk about the meaning and usage of ” niyotte ・ niyoru ・ niyori” “による, により, によって(は)”. In fact, as long as you understand the changes in verbs, you can understand the relationship between the three more easily, and it will be easier to learn. for fast.
PATTERNS OF ” yoru (よる)”
- Shūshikei base(終止形, Terminal):よる
- Mizenkei base(未然形, Irrealis):よらない、よらぬ、よらず
- Ren’yōkei base(連用形, Conjunctive):より(ます)
- Kateikei base(仮定形, Hypothetical):よれば
- te form:よって(Indicates a continuation of action)
SENTENCE PATTERN OF ” niyoru・niyori・niyotte “
- N+による( niyoru )+N2
- N+により( niyori )+sentence
- N+によって(は)( niyotte wa ) + sentence
MEANINGS OF ” niyoru・niyori・niyotte “
① according to: according to~。
Meaning: According to the lights in the room are on, there’s a good chance he’s in the room.
② Reason: Due to~。
Meaning: Due to an injury, he will be absent from this game.
③ means:use ~ as a means。by~。It cannot be used in everyday life
(○)箸でご飯を食べる。(Eat rice with chopsticks)(X)箸によってご飯を食べる。(Eat rice with chopsticks)
Meaning: The efficient way to increase your revenue is to use Advertisement
④ different results due to different conditions
Meaning: Depending on how you say it, you can make people angry.
⑤ passive:Made by 〇〇.(represent historical facts)
Meaning: This piece was composed by Chopin.
⑥ subject of action
Meaning: A concert by Namie Amuro will be held.
【N3 grammar】〜によらず(~ ni yorazu)、によらぬ(~ ni yoranu)
Ex:彼は見た目によらず、いい人ですね!( He’s a good person regardless of his appearance )
【N3 grammar】〜によれば(~ niyoreba)、によると(~ niyoruto)
Ex:ニュースによると、明日は雨だそうです。( According to news reports, it looks like it will rain tomorrow. )

最近は飲酒運転による事故が多いですね!(There seem to be a lot of accidents due to drunk driving recently!)

そうですね!ニュースによると、全国で今月だけで100件以上が通報されていますね!(Yes! According to news reports, more than 100 cases have been reported across the country this month alone!)

一瞬の判断によって、自分と他人の人生を変えてしまうかもしれないからね!(Just a moment of judgment may change the life of oneself and others!)

この二年間でコロナ禍によって倒産した企業が増えてますね!(In the past two years, the number of companies that have closed down due to the epidemic has increased a lot!)

そうですよ!うちの会社も危ないらしいよ!(Yes! Our company seems to be dangerous too!)

でも東京都庁の発表によれば、来年から回復する見込みがあるとの話も聞いていますが..!(But according to the announcement of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, it seems that there is a chance to reply next year.)

そうだといいですが..(Hope so!)